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Latex Rubber

Latex Rubber for Molds and Masks

Make sure you use the right latex formula for the right job. Latex mold compounds can be found in our Molding and Casting section.

Cold weather will kill latex.

We can ship latex during the winter, but you'll need to work with us so that it gets to you safely. Shipping by air or during warmer weather patterns help. Please call or email us for details.

MASK LATEX has been discontinued until spring.

Important -- because of Covid-19 we have temporarily discontinued our Mask Latex. We are now out of stock until next spring. We still have a limited amount of Non-Ammonia Latex.

For making Latex Halloween masks and simple latex appliances. Slip casting latex or slush molding compound does shrink and will loose a little detail.

Mask Making Basics

Five gallon pails are subject to the UPS "Special Handling Fee" which is $15. We have adjusted the "shipping weight" in our database to reflect this fee. If this modification causes an overcharge we will refund or adjust your fees accordingly.

Premium Non-Ammonia

Very high quality latex. Non-ammonia formula makes it safer for use on skin. Very popular for beard-work. This low shrinkage formula can also be used for mold-making. I like to use it for fake skins because it's easy to use, is inexpensive and it's natural color suggests human skin.

Five gallon pails are subject to the UPS "Special Handling Fee" which is $10 as of 12-31-2009. We have adjusted the "shipping weight" in our database to reflect this fee. If this modification causes an overcharge we will refund or adjust your fees accordingly.

Latex Mold Compound

This item has been discontinued. You can use our Non-Ammonia Latex, or you can order "Molder Builder" latex mold compound from our friends at:
Delvies Plastics
133 West Haven Ave (2290 South)
South Salt Lake, Utah 84115, (801) 467-1548.